domenica , 9 Marzo 2025

Tag Archives: Unions

The shipwrek of hypocrisy: migrants beyond Lampedusa

by COORDINAMENTO MIGRANTI After the carnage which painted black the Mediterranean sea, we spoke about a political carnage. We want to repeat it, after the vulgar spectacle of a moralism which is not only impotent against racism, but also needs racism to exist. Many, both from the institutional left and from the movements, spoke about hypocrisy.  The hypocrisy of those who …

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Greece: political chronicle of a strike that wasn’t

by CHRISTOS GIOVANOPOULOS – Dikaioma, network of precarious and unemployed workers, Athens *** Striking in the Troika era? That is apparently the wager of Olme, the union of workers of secondary schools in Greece which, going against government legislation that adds two hours more work a week for every teacher, announced a strike to be realized during the week of final …

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The struggles against the Troika-Regime: Crisis – what Crisis?

by THOMAS SEIBERT – Interventionistische Linke (… out of the Interventionistische Linke, not for the Interventionistische Linke…) My talk is divided into three parts: first a brief ascertainment of what I consider to be the problem of the EU policies aimed at resolving the crisis. Then a somewhat longer ascertainment of our own problem. In closing, an even longer part in …

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Die Kämpfe gegen das Troika-Regime: Krise – welche Krise?

THOMAS SEIBERT – Interventionistische Linke (…aus der Interventionistische Linke, nicht für die Interventionistische Linke) Mein Vortrag gliedert sich in drei Teile: Erst eine kurze Bestimmung dessen, was ich für das Problem der Krisenlösungspolitik der EU halte. Dann eine etwas längere Bestimmung unseres eigenen Problems. Schließlich ein noch etwas längerer Teil, in dem ich mich zwei Lösungsvorschlägen nähern will. Ich denke, dass …

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«No retreat». Exploitation and struggles of the new working class, migrant and precarious, in China. An interview with Pun Ngai

by GIORGIO GRAPPI – published in Italian on «il Manifesto», December 13, 2012 We interviewed Pun Ngai, a major scholar of the transformations of labour relationships in contemporary China, in the occasion of the recent translation in Italian of a collection of essays on the struggles of migrant workers in China. Pun Ngai’s studies provides a fundamental view of a …

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«Nessuna possibilità di ritirata». Le sfide della nuova classe operaia cinese, migrante e precaria, secondo Pun Ngai

a cura di GIORGIO GRAPPI – pubblicato su «il Manifesto» del 13 dicembre 2012 La pubblicazione del volume Cina. La società armoniosa. Sfruttamento e resistenza degli operai migranti(Jaca Book, 2012), curato e con un’introduzione di Ferruccio Gambino e Devi Sacchetto, propone ai lettori italiani una raccolta di alcuni dei più significativi saggi di Pun Ngai, tra le maggiori studiose delle …

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Sciopero generale e protesta di massa in Portogallo… e i limiti della mobilitazione

di ISMAIL KÜPELI – Oporto Aggiornamento e rielaborazione dell’articolo uscito sul numero di ottobre di Anlyse&Kritik Come nel marzo scorso, solo la CGTP, il sindacato comunista, ha indetto lo sciopero del 14 novembre, dopo che i sindacati spagnoli e la Confederazione Europea dei Sindacati avevano indetto a loro volta una giornata di mobilitazione. Il sindacato socialdemocratico (UGT) ha invece dichiarato …

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14N: contestation, rage and moving time

With a reasoned delay, we publish a small dossier concerning the 14N day of European mobilisation and strike. Beyond this short introductory text, the dossier collect contributions from Greece, Spain and Portugal. We chose not to intervene immediately, insofar as our aim is to discuss critically about what happened, and what was missing, on November 14. On 14th of November …

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Delayed reflections from Greece, for a strike that wasn’t

by CHRISTOS GIOVANOPOULOS – Dikaioma, network of precarious and unemployed workers, Athens The 14N European day of coordinated trade union protests against the austerity measures made headlines in the Greek media and mobilised strongly the Greek police at the day. Their motion to shut down the Syntagma sq. metro station in Athens, for what it proved to be a quite …

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Madrid: complex movements of a strike along time

by DAVID GARCÍA ARISTEGUI – Solidaridad Obrera, Madrid This 14N was called by the quasi-totality of trade unionism. There might be a different perception by the left from outside Spain, since rather influential media – like Diagonal or Madrilonia – within what we call, to simplify, the 15M movement tried to minimise the trade unions’ role and to aggrandise the …

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