lunedì , 13 Gennaio 2025

Tag Archives: Transnational Social Strike

The same things come back. Europe and our strike against the misery of the present

→ Italian Together with many others we said again and again that Europe is the minimum field of struggle. In front of the states of emergency, of Daesh’ terrorism, of the declared or directly waged wars, after the recent elections in France it is as if we were captured in an endless European involution. It seems that the same things …

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Le stesse cose che ritornano. L’Europa e il nostro sciopero contro la miseria del presente

→ English Insieme a molti altri abbiamo ripetuto che l’Europa è il terreno minimo di lotta. Di fronte agli stati di emergenza, al terrorismo di Daesh, alle guerre dichiarate o semplicemente praticate, dopo le recenti elezioni francesi sembra di essere catturati in un’infinita involuzione europea. Sembra che le stesse cose continuino a ritornare per minacciarci con la loro miseria. Eppure …

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Strikers’ Charter

→ See the Italian translation on the website of the Coalition for the Social Strike We are the strikers: we are the precarious, the migrants, the industrial workers, the students that on November 14th 2014 went on strike together, challenging the divisions that produce our common condition of precarity. We are those who work on call paid with coupons per hour, we …

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Paint it red. The order of war and our transnational disorder

→ Italian Today both the holy war and the democratic one claim to impose a principle of order. Both are dividing with precision the fronts, asking to line up in order to meet the established targets. To reject the order of war does not mean, though, to embrace pacifism. To repeat the experience of the great movement that, after the …

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Working people must achieve unity with the migrant workers

From the website Political Critique — Central and Eastern European Magazine of Politics and Culture, we publish an interview realized by Dawid Krawczyk after the meeting in Poznan with Paola Rudan – an activist involved in the project of theTransnational Social Strike and a member of Precarious Di∫connections and of the Coordinamento Migranti in Bologna, Italy. → See also the …

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Discussing the Transnational Social Strike

From the website of Worker’s Liberty, we publish an interview realized after the meeting in Poznan with Roberta Ferrari – an activist involved in the project of the Transnational Social Strike and a member of Precarious Di∫connections and of the Coordinamento Migranti in Bologna, Italy. *** What is the Transnational Social Strike project? What are its origins, and what are …

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Factory without society. Around some problems concerning the transnational social strike

→ Italian We would like to contribute to the debate started by Plan C and Angry Workers because we believe it is particularly important for the meeting towards a transnational social strike that will take place in Poznan next October. Of this debate, including the latest comment of Australian Left, we wholly share the necessity of a political analysis which …

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Transformations of the Unions and movements of the strike in Germany

→ Italian We publish an interview concerning the right to strike in Germany. We talked with Heiner Köhnen, member of TIE, a global network made of workers, trade-unionists and activists who since decades produce initiatives and organization across the borders. The so-called Tarifeinheitsgesetz law was approved last May by the German Parliament; it imposes that only the most representative trade …

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Towards a Transnational Social Strike. Call for a transnational meeting in Poznan – 2/3/4th October 2015

→ Italian Austerity is now the new normality in Europe. In these years monetary policies have been used to enforce neo-liberal labour reforms, privatization of the commons, cuts in welfare benefits and less civil rights. European governments and financial institutions use debt and technical parameters as a political tool to play workers and populations against each other, as the blackmail …

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