giovedì , 26 Dicembre 2024

Tag Archives: Solidarity

Grecia: stop al licenziamento di 595 lavoratrici delle pulizie da parte del Ministero delle finanze

Su invito dei compagni e delle compagne greche di Solidarity for All, pubblichiamo e diffondiamo l’appello alla solidarietà delle lavoratrici delle pulizie del Ministero delle finanze in lotta contro il licenziamento e la privatizzazione dei servizi. *** Siamo 595 donne che lavorano da molti anni come lavoratrici delle pulizie per il Ministero delle finanze. Dal 18 settembre 2013 siamo state …

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Multitude, Mobility, Mutualism. Questions and answers of the Never class

Exhorted by comrades with whom we have shared actions in the last years with precarious and migrants, we contribute here to the debate launched by on the usefulness, topicality and need to refer to the class. Obviously, the aim of this reflection is especially to inquire on and investigate the lexicon with which the movement has related to a …

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Democracy on the move and the struggles in Europe. A contribution for Blockupy and beyond

The following is a contribution to the political debate on the European  movement that starts with Blockupy, but is not just about Blockupy.  More or less organized projects (like Blockupy, but also the Hubmeeting) are trying to construct a comprehensive response to processes that extend over the European level, and beyond. The background of these projectualities is inevitably given by …

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