mercoledì , 5 Febbraio 2025

Tag Archives: Social Strike

Strikers’ Charter

→ See the Italian translation on the website of the Coalition for the Social Strike We are the strikers: we are the precarious, the migrants, the industrial workers, the students that on November 14th 2014 went on strike together, challenging the divisions that produce our common condition of precarity. We are those who work on call paid with coupons per hour, we …

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The Blockupy of tomorrow, to put an end to sadness

→ Italian In the weeks before the 18th of March, the big event that was supposed to inaugurate the new ECB headquarter was increasingly reshaped. The great party that originally should have been became a modest happy hour and, finally, a coffee-to-go, made possible by a huge deployment of policemen. When we reached the blocks of demonstrators coming from every …

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Follow the strikers: against austerity, let’s strike the ECB

→ Italian Call to 18 and 19 March in Frankfurt By now the time of the technical government of the crisis, the time of austerity as a «mandatory choice», ended. Now more than ever it’s clear that the policies imposed by the Troika under the label of unavoidable necessities depend on the deliberate political choice to transform Europe in a …

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Alla conquista dell’organizzazione, verso il Social Strike europeo

Obiettivi principali del II atto dello Strike Meeting – li abbiamo chiariti fin dall’inizio – sono stati: il consolidamento e l’articolazione della coalizione sociale e l’estensione europea del processo dello Sciopero sociale. Dopo tre giornate assai ricche di confronto, non possiamo che ritenerci molto soddisfatti, la strada intrapresa è quella corretta. Tre giornate, occorre ricordarlo, segnate da una partecipazione quantitativamente …

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Blockupy meets Amazon Strikers: a moment of mutual infection in front of the gates

by HAGEN KOPP (from No Troika Rhine Main) → IT → D At 18th of Dember 2014 a small Blockupy delegation met with the Amazon strikers in Bad Hersfeld, in this time one of the six Amazon branches in Germany with about 2300 striking workers in total. The Blockupy activists supported the protests at the gates of so called FRA 1, one …

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Call from the Strike Meeting to the European Movements and Networks

On November 14th Let’s Strike Back Against the Precarization of Labour and Life! On November 14th, we, precarious workers, migrants, industry and public sector workers, students, autonomous workers, men and women, will strike against the condition of subordination which the labour regimes and the European policies want to impose on us. November 14th will be for us a social strike, a strike …

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