venerdì , 14 Marzo 2025

Tag Archives: Mobility

One step beyond. Blockupy from blockades to the transnational strike

→ Italiano → German (thanks Interventionistische Linke Bielefeld for translation) From Frankfurt to Berlin, from the blockade against the ECB to the construction of the first transnational strike, Blockupy goes on. Now the point is to consolidate a political space of discussion, in order to realize processes of organization that make possible a long-lasting massive participation, instead of short-living discontinuities. Blockupy was …

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Precarious political communication and transnational strike

→ IT Space The urgent task of European social movements is that of defining their political initiative moving from the acknowledgement that the space of Europe is neither defined nor closed, but is rather the first global space that they must face. It is not for chance that it is always difficult to ascertain what it is meant by «Europe». …

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Movements of Europe. Problems and opportunities of the new government of labor

After the case which involved Silvia Guerra – the Italian citizen and artist living in Brussels, who was expelled as a «burthen» for the Belgian welfare system – we begun to think how Europe is reconfiguring its borders and how mobility works in this frame. The affaire Guerra, in fact, is not a single episode, but is rather one of …

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Multitude, Mobility, Mutualism. Questions and answers of the Never class

Exhorted by comrades with whom we have shared actions in the last years with precarious and migrants, we contribute here to the debate launched by on the usefulness, topicality and need to refer to the class. Obviously, the aim of this reflection is especially to inquire on and investigate the lexicon with which the movement has related to a …

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