venerdì , 14 Marzo 2025

Tag Archives: Logistics

Stoccolma, 23-25 novembre, contro la logistica dello sfruttamento: presentazione e programma

di TRANSNATIONAL SOCIAL STRIKE PLATFORM La Transnational Social Strike Platform (TSS) invita lavoratori e lavoratrici, sindacalisti e attivisti di tutta Europa e non solo a un’assemblea a Stoccolma dal 23 al 25 novembre, in cui discutere come organizzarsi contro il comando logistico sul lavoro. Per comando logistico intendiamo una serie di trasformazioni di portata globale che provocano mutamenti dell’economia, delle …

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Posted workers and the European logistical integration

The most audacious dreams of the European government of mobility seem to come true in the regulation on the «posting of workers», ruled by a 1996 directive, recently revised by a reform promoted by the inexhaustible Macron. The collapse of the Schengen agreement has revealed that there is an inseparable link between what the agreement meant to separate, that is, …

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We can dare. The time of the transnational social strike is now

→ Italian From 21 to 23 October the second meeting of the Transnational Social Strike Platform will be held in Paris. The meeting takes place three weeks after the strike of Polish women against the proposed reform of the abortion law and few months after the French great uprising against the loi travail and its world. In both cases the …

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Noi possiamo osare. Il tempo dello sciopero sociale transnazionale è ora

→ English Dal 21 al 23 ottobre si svolgerà a Parigi il secondo meeting della Transnational Social Strike Platform. L’incontro avrà luogo a tre settimane di distanza dallo sciopero delle donne polacche contro la proposta di riforma della legge sull’aborto e a pochi mesi dalla grande sollevazione francese contro la loi travail e il suo mondo. In entrambi i casi …

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Brussels and the New European Logistics

by GIORGIO GRAPPI → IT On November the 6th, the city of Brussels has been the theater of one of the largest demonstration since decades. As the media observed, among the 150,000 protesters many wore the orange uniform of the dockworkers of Antwerp, one of the main ports of the EU. Several hundreds of them clashed for hours with the …

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