venerdì , 14 Marzo 2025

Tag Archives: Europe

Costruire insieme uno spazio transnazionale per un’Europa dal basso

Report dell’assemblea del Coordinamento transnazionale Blockupy a Bruxelles, 26/27 Settembre 2014 Dopo aver discusso gli esiti del May of Solidarity 2014, il gruppo internazionale di coordinamento di Blockupy ha lanciato un incontro transnazionale a Bruxelles per discutere delle forme di protesta da adottare contro le politiche europee della crisi. Il messaggio proposto dalle giornate di azione dello scorso maggio «Solidarity …

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Precarious political communication and transnational strike

→ IT Space The urgent task of European social movements is that of defining their political initiative moving from the acknowledgement that the space of Europe is neither defined nor closed, but is rather the first global space that they must face. It is not for chance that it is always difficult to ascertain what it is meant by «Europe». …

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Create and organize counterhegemony in Europe

→ IT The 11th of July See you on July 11. For what? Supposedly, the meeting is not an attempt to compensate other demonstrations that have been not properly successful. So, see you on July 11 to «demonstrate» that the social opposition to the regime of wage will not accept another intensification of precarization, expropriation and austerity. A correct description …

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For a transnational movement across Europe!

→IT May of Solidarity sent a message across Europe: Let’s fight together and build a transnational movement of resistance in and through Europe and Beyond! Let’s cross borders in solidarity and build democracy from below! Solidarity beyond Borders – Building Democracy from Below was the motto for a «May of Solidarity» and Action Days just before the European elections. Launched by the …

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Movements of Europe. Problems and opportunities of the new government of labor

After the case which involved Silvia Guerra – the Italian citizen and artist living in Brussels, who was expelled as a «burthen» for the Belgian welfare system – we begun to think how Europe is reconfiguring its borders and how mobility works in this frame. The affaire Guerra, in fact, is not a single episode, but is rather one of …

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Solidarity beyond borders – Building democracy from below

  The programs of austerity and privatizations imposed by the Troika decide on the lives of millions of people in Europe. Together with people in Europe and the whole world we resist the rehabilitation of capitalism on the backs of employees as well as unemployed, retirees, migrants and the youth. Together with them we say: “We don’t owe, we won’t pay!” While …

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Lampedusa on a charter. An interview with Hagen Kopp

This in an Interview to Hagen Kopp, from No one is illegal in Hanau/Germany, mainly involved in the network activities from Welcome to Europe. Hagen took part to the meeting for the promulgation of the Charter of Lampedusa, which was held in the Mediterranean Island from January the 31st to February the 2nd 2014. We already questioned the political effectiveness of …

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Freedom not Frontex. Refugees and Migrants in their Struggle for global Freedom of Movement

by HAGEN KOPP – Kein mensch ist illegal, Hanau* This text is an improvement of an article published in May 2013 in Forum Wissenschat. The reconstruction of some events that took place in the last month and of the campaings aiming to oppose the conditions that produced them, allow point out the immediate political character of migrations. The dreadful number …

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Just austerity? Europe without principles and the politicization of poverty

In recent years the word poverty has re-entered European political jargon. The main doorway for this has been statistical data. This however does nothing more than reduce the quota of population that earns under a certain level of wage to a merely technical question. The construction of new indicators and new ways of studying and classifying impoverished subjects has changed …

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