venerdì , 14 Marzo 2025

Tag Archives: Europe

The Government of Mobility 4. Germany, Europe, the maze of inclusion

by LUTZ ACHENBACH ‒ Berlin based lawyer → Italian → See also The Government of Mobility #1, #2, #3 The German welfare system is as segmented as is the German labor market. There is an unemployment-insurance for long-term workers and a welfare system for temporary and precarious workers. To receive welfare one has submit to the regime of the Jobcenter and …

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The Government of Mobility 3. The defeat of the Europe of Rights and conditioned freedom of movement Part II

di GABRIELLA – Leeds Solidarity Network → Italian We publish the second part of the analysis of current transformations of welfare systems and government of mobility proposed by Gabriella from the Leeds Solidarity Network. The first part was published with the title: The Government of Mobility 2: The (United) Kingdom of workfare versus welfare for migrants Part I *** There …

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The politics of the governed. Frankfurt in Greece, Athens in Europe

→ Italian The Working class has no fatherland Sì, se puede!  Greek elections are having their effects. We are not meaning celebrations in the squares, smiles or declarations of respect, but the clash with European and global financial institutions. In front of this clash, even those governments which offered Tsipras their «good wishes», like the Italian one, now hasten to …

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Let’s get started! Report from the Blockupy international coordination group meeting

At the Blockupy Festival in Nov 2014 Blockupy International, a network of many different movements, organizations, networks from various European regions decided to mobilize European wide and organize transnational actions against the European Central Bank’s opening gala in Frankfurt on March 18th. “Let’s take over the party”!. The call has been translated in the meantime into 17 languages, networks in …

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The sad sunset of a model: the Swedish welfare between precarization and struggles

by ALLT ÅT ALLA – Lund → Italian The text which follows tells about the successful struggle of nurses who in 2013 organized in several Swedish cities against the reform of labour contracts. By worsening labour and wage conditions and by threatening in this way the health of patients, that reform signaled that precarization is occurring also in a country …

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Greek election results: increased uncertainty, excellent situation

by AKIS GAVRIILIDIS → Italian After his comment before elections, we now publish another note by Akis Graviilidis concerning the situation in Greece after the oath of the first SYRIZA government. Almost laughing at the anxieties of those who see their principles and expectations at risk, Akis discusses the political question of the possibilities that the victory of SYRIZA actually …

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A question of power. Greece, Syriza and the institutions on the move

→ Italiano We publish a long interview with Christos Giovanopoulos, an activist of Solidarity for All, a group which facilitate the development of grassroots solidarity structures and of the solidarity movement as a whole in Greece. The interview was realized during the last international meeting of the Blockupy coalition, whose aim now is to organize the European demonstration of March 18, when the …

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Grexodus: elections, debts, and the ghosts of post-self-colonialism

by AKIS GAVRIILIDIS → IT We publish a first contribution towards next Greek elections. This is a remarkable text, since it helps overcome domestic oppositions, that is both a declared fidelity to this or that principle and any occasional deployment. Akis Gavriilidis focuses on two crucial questions in a very original way: on the one hand, the role and position …

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Brussels and the New European Logistics

by GIORGIO GRAPPI → IT On November the 6th, the city of Brussels has been the theater of one of the largest demonstration since decades. As the media observed, among the 150,000 protesters many wore the orange uniform of the dockworkers of Antwerp, one of the main ports of the EU. Several hundreds of them clashed for hours with the …

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Call from the Strike Meeting to the European Movements and Networks

On November 14th Let’s Strike Back Against the Precarization of Labour and Life! On November 14th, we, precarious workers, migrants, industry and public sector workers, students, autonomous workers, men and women, will strike against the condition of subordination which the labour regimes and the European policies want to impose on us. November 14th will be for us a social strike, a strike …

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