venerdì , 14 Marzo 2025

Tag Archives: Europe

Europe at War: Fighting Militarism in the Third World War

→ Originally published in Italian ‘Bringing the war home’ was the slogan of the peace movement at the time of the Vietnam War. Today, it is the watchword—albeit with a very different meaning—of European rulers. To them, war should make it possible to govern the disorderly European home in an altogether disorderly world—a world of empires without imperialisms, and transitions …

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Reaction and revolt. Inside the infinite mutation of present state of things

→ Italian Tens of thousands Hungarians refusing to submit to the slave law. The mass demonstrations in Serbia against the government’s violence. The greatest student revolt in Albania since the end of socialism. The gilets jaunes’s insurrection in France and the massive resistance against Brexit in Great Britain. Women’s struggle, everywhere threatening the orderly reproduction of global society. Migrants’ movement, …

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The last Europe. The insubordination of movements and the institutions

→ Italiano On the eve of the 60th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome, and a few days after the second anniversary of the inauguration of the new European Central Bank in Frankfurt – which coincides with the first anniversary of the Agreement between the EU and Turkey on migrants and refugees – it is worth to rethink Europe as …

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We can dare. The time of the transnational social strike is now

→ Italian From 21 to 23 October the second meeting of the Transnational Social Strike Platform will be held in Paris. The meeting takes place three weeks after the strike of Polish women against the proposed reform of the abortion law and few months after the French great uprising against the loi travail and its world. In both cases the …

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Noi possiamo osare. Il tempo dello sciopero sociale transnazionale è ora

→ English Dal 21 al 23 ottobre si svolgerà a Parigi il secondo meeting della Transnational Social Strike Platform. L’incontro avrà luogo a tre settimane di distanza dallo sciopero delle donne polacche contro la proposta di riforma della legge sull’aborto e a pochi mesi dalla grande sollevazione francese contro la loi travail e il suo mondo. In entrambi i casi …

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Our logistic infrastructure. Metropolitan spaces and transnational processes

→ Italiano All quiet on the Eastern front. The opposition of Eastern countries to the migration compact shows that the attempt to solve the crisis through the centralization of political decision-making inside the Union has been nipped in the bud. On the other hand, also in the West austerity continues being asserted as the mile stone of the government of …

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No way out? Europe from East to West and vice versa

→ Italian The result of the British referendum in June has provided to the right-wingers the chance to sell the cheap illusion of a feasible way out from European Union and its austerity policies. The possibility of a farewell through referendum is entertained both in France and in Italy, as in some East countries that, just one year ago, appealed …

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The European Regime of Wage 2. The loi travail and the government of precarization

by LAVORO INSUBORDINATO → Italian On the 5th of July Manuel Valls ended the parliamentary debate on the loi travail by an act of force. To defeat a weak parliamentary opposition, the government resorted again to the 49.3 article of the constitution, an emergency procedure which is supposed to guarantee the general interest of the nation. For the government it …

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Quali convergenze per Blockupy?

→ English Con questo testo intendiamo contribuire alla discussione che si terrà al Festival Antirazzista di Atene, un’occasione per fare un bilancio e per discutere la crisi di Blockupy anche oltre Blockupy, a partire dai limiti che ha mostrato nell’intervenire negli attuali movimenti che attraversano lo spazio europeo. *** Il risultato del referendum britannico è l’ennesimo segnale della crisi di …

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What convergence for Blockupy?

→ Italian This text is our contribution to the public debate that will take place during the Antiracist Festival in Athens, a moment that we see as a chance to take stock of Blockupy and discuss about its current crisis, even beyond Blockupy itself, starting from the limits that it has displayed in front of the movements that nowadays are …

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