giovedì , 26 Dicembre 2024

Tag Archives: Delhi protests against rape

L’immagine della donna indiana sullo sfondo

di VANESSA AZZERUOLI  Sobborghi di Jalandhar, Punjab. Il traffico è rallentato non dalle solite mucche, dai carri agricoli e dai rickshaw, ma da una piccola manifestazione. Studenti, un centinaio. Due lunghe file indiane, confermando per una volta il detto comune, dividono distintamente uomini e donne. Indossano un’uniforme all’inglese, marrone e bianca. Gli uomini indossano pantaloni, camicia e pullover, mentre la …

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In retrospect. In memory of «unknown citizen»

by ISHITA DEY –  Delhi, 29 December 2012 We woke up to the death of the 23 year old student who was gang-raped on a moving bus in Delhi. We are terribly angry, upset and it’s a mixed bag of emotions. It is extremely personal. I feel a terrible sense of loss, fear, and hurt. As my mother puts it, …

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India: Capital comes to a hault over protest against gender based violence

by ISHITA DEY – Delhi Delhi – the national capital of India is rocked by protests from student organisations, various groups and individuals pouring in India Gate – a place in close proximity to Rashtrapati Bhavan and other centres of power. People have taken to the streets to protest against the gang rape of a 23 year old student on …

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