mercoledì , 12 Marzo 2025

Tag Archives: Blockupy

Taking a new step! report on the meeting of Blockupy international coordinating group

…evaluating #18M and the European Blockupy process, building perspectives. May 9th 2015 in Berlin Summary of decisions – Blockupy international goes on, continuing and developing its collaborating structures. – The next coordination meeting will be on the 4th of July in Padua, Italy. Save the date! More info will follow soon. – Blockupy supports the “Solidarity with Greece” week of …

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One step beyond. Blockupy from blockades to the transnational strike

→ Italiano → German (thanks Interventionistische Linke Bielefeld for translation) From Frankfurt to Berlin, from the blockade against the ECB to the construction of the first transnational strike, Blockupy goes on. Now the point is to consolidate a political space of discussion, in order to realize processes of organization that make possible a long-lasting massive participation, instead of short-living discontinuities. Blockupy was …

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Un passo oltre. Blockupy dai blocchi allo sciopero transnazionale

→ English → Tedesco (ringraziamo per la traduzione Interventionistische Linke Bielefeld) Da Francoforte a Berlino, dai blocchi contro la BCE alla costruzione del primo transnational strike Blockupy continua il suo percorso. Si tratta ora di consolidare uno spazio politico di discussione per costruire processi organizzativi capaci di favorire un protagonismo di massa che non si limiti a produrre discontinuità momentanee, …

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Matters of perspective. A political stance towards Expo, Mayday and surroundings

→ Italian → German (thanks Interventionistische Linke Bielefeld for translation) The first of May has passed, leaving behind something more than burnt cars, broken windows and black clothes abandoned in the streets. Beyond the triumphal Expo opening, the 1st of May leaves us with the three-dimensional image of a movement that, in spite of its capacity of mobilizing 30.000 people for the …

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The Blockupy of tomorrow, to put an end to sadness

→ Italian In the weeks before the 18th of March, the big event that was supposed to inaugurate the new ECB headquarter was increasingly reshaped. The great party that originally should have been became a modest happy hour and, finally, a coffee-to-go, made possible by a huge deployment of policemen. When we reached the blocks of demonstrators coming from every …

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Il Blockupy di domani, per farla finita con la tristezza

→ English Nelle settimane che hanno preceduto il 18 marzo, il grande evento che avrebbe dovuto inaugurare la nuova sede della Banca Centrale Europea è stato sempre di più ridimensionato. Si è passati da un brindisi in grande stile a un più modesto aperitivo, fino ad arrivare a un rapido caffè il cui svolgimento è stato reso possibile da un …

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Rome, Athens and Frankfurt. The insubordination of a continent

→ Italian Rome, Athens and Frankfurt are for us parts of the same problem. The three processes that intertwine them are seemingly of different intensity and range, yet the intersections are evident. The terms of the problem are clear. The solution is hard, despite real elements of a counter-hegemony in Europe have eventually showed up. Rome hosted the second Strike …

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Roma, Atene, Francoforte. L’insubordinazione di un continente

→ English Roma, Atene e Francoforte sono per noi parte di un unico problema. I tre processi che le collegano sono evidentemente di differente intensità e portata, eppure le intersezioni sono evidenti. I termini del problema sono chiari. La soluzione è difficile, nonostante si presentino finalmente e concretamente elementi di una possibile controegemonia in Europa. Roma ha ospitato il secondo …

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International press release: Time to act is now! / Activists from many countries will protest against ECB in Frankfurt

Just few days left to the inauguration of the new building of the ECB. Great participation is expected from all over Europe: social movements, activists, migrants, precarious and industry workers, trade-unions and parties will come to Frankfurt to say no to austerity and contest the authority of ECB and the other EU institutions. A new phase of European politics is …

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Blockupy 2015 #18zerothree: action consensus

→ Italian Our goal in the morning of March 18, 2015 is an effective blockade of the ECB, its daily work and the opening ceremony. Therefore, we will, together with many activists from networks, organizations and groups from all over Europe, go as close as possible to the ECB. Following the blockade, single organizations of the coalition will carry out …

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