by MICHALIS BARTSIDIS – AKIS GAVRIILIDIS – SOFIA LALOPOULOU → Italiano The basic fact, that the «NO» vote obtained an overwhelming majority at the referendum in Greece last Sunday, is well known to everybody. The remarks, conclusions, arguments, possible consequences etc. that one can draw from this simple event are practically infinite. What matters, though, to convey in this necessarily …
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The occasion of a «no». On the critique of debt-democracy
→ Italian → Greek – on Nomadic Universality website How many «no» can be said on Sunday? What kind of occasion the Greek referendum against the ultimatum of the European institutions offers? The referendum was an obliged choice, because in the last months a true and proper pro-slavery revolt occurred against the Greek attempt to escape the tyranny of the debt. …
continua a leggereFor the critique of the political economy of mobility. Remarks on the new constitution of Europe
→ Italian The «compromise» achieved during the European summit on migrations held in Brussels on the 25th of June is the clearest symptom of the crisis which is taking place within the borders of Europe. Migrants are this crisis. This, however, does not concern the presumed emergency caused by the growing number of men and women who daily pretend to …
continua a leggereGrentry. The domination of finance in Europe and its crisis
→ Italian → Greek – from Nomadic Universality website The technical fact is simple: the so called «Institutions» (the new name of the Troika obtained by the Greek government) have much more to lose than Greece. In the economical newspapers this truth is already openly stated: a Greek default, and even more a Grexit, would cause the biggest damages to the …
continua a leggereFreedom not borders! Unconditional European residence permit for all migrants!
→ Italiano Saturday, the 13th of June, will be a day of mobilization of migrants in Italy and in Germany, with demonstrations in Bologna, Bari, Brescia and Frankfurt. Migrants, together with precarious and industry workers, will say laud and clear that they are not going to be the ones who pay the most violent backlashes of the crisis. While migration …
continua a leggereTransnational Europe. Precarity and workers’ organization in Poland
→ Italian We publish an interview with Magda from Inicjatywa Pracownicza (Workers’ Initiative), a Polish trade union which took part in the demonstration My Prekariat on the 23rd of May. Magda tells us also about the situation in Amazon warehouses in Poland, where since a few months the workers started to organise and discuss among themselves and together with their German …
continua a leggereTürkiye Metal İşçileri Yoksulluğa ve Sendika’ya karşı direniyor
NURAN GÜLENÇ → Italiano Türkiye’nin lokomotif sektörlerinden biri olan metal sektöründe, dünya devi otomotiv şirketlerinde çalışan işçilerin başını çektiği bir eylem başladı. Renault fabrikasında başlayan isyan kısa sürede hızla diğer otomotiv üreticisi fabrikalara yayıldı. İşçilerin iki önemli talepleri vardı. Bunlar ücretlerin iyileştirilmesi ve örgütlü oldukları Türk Metal Sendikası’nın işyerlerinde varlığına son verilmesi ve yerine seçecekleri işçi temsilcilerinin tanınmasıydı. Bu eylem …
continua a leggereSYRIZA (and Podemos): «populist inclusion» or interruption of representation?
by AKIS GAVRIILIDIS → Italiano When it comes to describe and explain what SYRIZA stands for, in the discourse of mainstream media, analysts and politicians in the rest of Europe (occasionally in Greece as well), the term «populist» comes handy and figures prominently. The same epithet is also attached to Spain’s Podemos. This description is of course a clear example …
continua a leggereTaking a new step! report on the meeting of Blockupy international coordinating group
…evaluating #18M and the European Blockupy process, building perspectives. May 9th 2015 in Berlin Summary of decisions – Blockupy international goes on, continuing and developing its collaborating structures. – The next coordination meeting will be on the 4th of July in Padua, Italy. Save the date! More info will follow soon. – Blockupy supports the “Solidarity with Greece” week of …
continua a leggereOne step beyond. Blockupy from blockades to the transnational strike
→ Italiano → German (thanks Interventionistische Linke Bielefeld for translation) From Frankfurt to Berlin, from the blockade against the ECB to the construction of the first transnational strike, Blockupy goes on. Now the point is to consolidate a political space of discussion, in order to realize processes of organization that make possible a long-lasting massive participation, instead of short-living discontinuities. Blockupy was …
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