venerdì , 28 Marzo 2025

global di∫connections

The factory of differences. Work force, mobility and class struggle across the European borders

by DEVI SACCHETTO →Italian We publish an improved version of one of the introductory speeches of the workshop «Transformations of labor and transnational strike: new factory regime, precarization and changing composition of labor» organized by Worker’s Initiative (Poland), TIE (Germany), Angry Workers (UK), Precarious di∫connections (Italy) during the meeting for the Transnational social strike held in Poznan at the beginning of …

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Working people must achieve unity with the migrant workers

From the website Political Critique — Central and Eastern European Magazine of Politics and Culture, we publish an interview realized by Dawid Krawczyk after the meeting in Poznan with Paola Rudan – an activist involved in the project of theTransnational Social Strike and a member of Precarious Di∫connections and of the Coordinamento Migranti in Bologna, Italy. → See also the …

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Discussing the Transnational Social Strike

From the website of Worker’s Liberty, we publish an interview realized after the meeting in Poznan with Roberta Ferrari – an activist involved in the project of the Transnational Social Strike and a member of Precarious Di∫connections and of the Coordinamento Migranti in Bologna, Italy. *** What is the Transnational Social Strike project? What are its origins, and what are …

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Argentina 2015: hacer durar la democracia

por SEBASTIÁN TORRES → Italian Todo proceso político guiado por la virtud de grandes conductores asume la experiencia de su temporalidad cuando sus líderes dejan momentánea o definitivamente el poder del Estado. Por supuesto, hay una diferencia entre la trágica muerte – de Hugo Chavez y de Néstor Kirchner – y las pautadas sucesiones de la renovación democrática a través …

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Political intimacy, or: why the Greek vote was not a capitulation

by AKIS GAVRIILIDIS → Italiano Being in Greece the days during and after the last elections, and reading most of the comments written about them abroad, (but also some written within Greece), gives me a feeling of uncanniness, of a discrepancy; to the point that I wonder if these texts are really talking about the same event I have just …

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Under the sign of the storm. Migrants, Europe and transnational strike

→ Italian Like a storm, migrants are haunting Europe. With their disordered movements they are crushing borders, institutions, and seemingly consolidated ideologies. Migrants have blown up the European status quo. What the Greek referendum was not able to do, it’s now happening thanks to thousands of men, women, and kids who are putting their lives at stakes in order to …

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Factory without society. Around some problems concerning the transnational social strike

→ Italian We would like to contribute to the debate started by Plan C and Angry Workers because we believe it is particularly important for the meeting towards a transnational social strike that will take place in Poznan next October. Of this debate, including the latest comment of Australian Left, we wholly share the necessity of a political analysis which …

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Transformations of the Unions and movements of the strike in Germany

→ Italian We publish an interview concerning the right to strike in Germany. We talked with Heiner Köhnen, member of TIE, a global network made of workers, trade-unionists and activists who since decades produce initiatives and organization across the borders. The so-called Tarifeinheitsgesetz law was approved last May by the German Parliament; it imposes that only the most representative trade …

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The summer of our dismay. Greece, Europe and transnational struggles

→ Italian This is not a coup d’etat. Undoubtedly there has been a de facto unilateral imposition that completely ignored and thus erased every trace of the Greek referendum. However we need to say that there was no State to hit since long time: dissolved by the pressure of debt, with an impossible sovereignty, with 1/3 of its people living …

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Towards a Transnational Social Strike. Call for a transnational meeting in Poznan – 2/3/4th October 2015

→ Italian Austerity is now the new normality in Europe. In these years monetary policies have been used to enforce neo-liberal labour reforms, privatization of the commons, cuts in welfare benefits and less civil rights. European governments and financial institutions use debt and technical parameters as a political tool to play workers and populations against each other, as the blackmail …

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