→ Italian How can we live without our lives? (John Steinbeck, 1939) The old working class is dead. However, at a certain point of its agony it has elected the 45th president of the United States of America. It is impossible to come to different conclusions looking at the manifold comments that consider the white working class as the main …
continua a leggereglobal di∫connections
Deliveroo and UberEATS: organising in the gig economy in the UK
by JAMIE WOODCOCK – researcher at London School of Economics → Italiano Across London the gig economy has been rapidly expanding, particularly with the delivery of takeaway food. The largest company is Deliveroo, with thousands of moped drivers and cyclists spread across different zones. Uber has followed with a rival platform, UberEATS, and more recently Amazon has also started a …
continua a leggereWe can dare. The time of the transnational social strike is now
→ Italian From 21 to 23 October the second meeting of the Transnational Social Strike Platform will be held in Paris. The meeting takes place three weeks after the strike of Polish women against the proposed reform of the abortion law and few months after the French great uprising against the loi travail and its world. In both cases the …
continua a leggereThe European Regime of Wage. 3. Germany: support precarization, demand exploitation
→ Italian — See also The European Regime of Wage #1, UK and #2, France by LAVORO INSUBORDINATO Looking at the last drama among EU leaders, it looks like there are in the EU diverging views on migration policies. The long and lively discussions at the Bratislava summit seem to foreshadow the end of cohesion among Italy, Germany and France, while in …
continua a leggereA strike in black. Polish women, European neoliberalism, global patriarchy
→ Italian «Any power you don’t use yourself is gonna be used against you». Audre Lorde’s words accompany on the Black Protest International Facebook page the reasons of the Polish women that today, Monday October 3rd, are striking against the abortion bill, which is under discussion in the Polish parliament. The meaning of this law, which aims at erasing the …
continua a leggereOur logistic infrastructure. Metropolitan spaces and transnational processes
→ Italiano All quiet on the Eastern front. The opposition of Eastern countries to the migration compact shows that the attempt to solve the crisis through the centralization of political decision-making inside the Union has been nipped in the bud. On the other hand, also in the West austerity continues being asserted as the mile stone of the government of …
continua a leggereA huge mass strike in India: was that general?
by G. SAMPATH → Italian We publish an article written by the Indian journalist G. Sampath concerning the last countrywide strike in India on September 2nd. Even if the numbers were probably overestimated by trade unions, declaring a participation of no less than 180 million, the huge amount of people, men and women, who went on strike was a powerful …
continua a leggereNo way out? Europe from East to West and vice versa
→ Italian The result of the British referendum in June has provided to the right-wingers the chance to sell the cheap illusion of a feasible way out from European Union and its austerity policies. The possibility of a farewell through referendum is entertained both in France and in Italy, as in some East countries that, just one year ago, appealed …
continua a leggereThe European Regime of Wage 2. The loi travail and the government of precarization
by LAVORO INSUBORDINATO → Italian On the 5th of July Manuel Valls ended the parliamentary debate on the loi travail by an act of force. To defeat a weak parliamentary opposition, the government resorted again to the 49.3 article of the constitution, an emergency procedure which is supposed to guarantee the general interest of the nation. For the government it …
continua a leggereWhat convergence for Blockupy?
→ Italian This text is our contribution to the public debate that will take place during the Antiracist Festival in Athens, a moment that we see as a chance to take stock of Blockupy and discuss about its current crisis, even beyond Blockupy itself, starting from the limits that it has displayed in front of the movements that nowadays are …
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