martedì , 25 Marzo 2025

global di∫connections

Reaction and revolt. Inside the infinite mutation of present state of things

→ Italian Tens of thousands Hungarians refusing to submit to the slave law. The mass demonstrations in Serbia against the government’s violence. The greatest student revolt in Albania since the end of socialism. The gilets jaunes’s insurrection in France and the massive resistance against Brexit in Great Britain. Women’s struggle, everywhere threatening the orderly reproduction of global society. Migrants’ movement, …

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UK: the biggest strike ever (in the history of Higher Education)

by GABRIELLA ALBERTI → Italiano: part I – part II The first phase of the longest ever strike in the history of Higher Education in the UK has just come to an end: 14 days spread througout 4 weeks following an escalation strategy to say no to proposed changed to academics and academic-related staff’s pension scheme called USS. This scheme …

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Posted workers and the European logistical integration

The most audacious dreams of the European government of mobility seem to come true in the regulation on the «posting of workers», ruled by a 1996 directive, recently revised by a reform promoted by the inexhaustible Macron. The collapse of the Schengen agreement has revealed that there is an inseparable link between what the agreement meant to separate, that is, …

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Snap-shots on the move. From Genoa to Hamburg and no way back

→ Italian Genoa, July 2001, big mass demonstrations and riots against a G8 that claims to represent a sort of world government of globalization. The first demonstration is the migrants’ one, opened by a banner claiming freedom of movement, freedom without borders. A boy gets killed. And this cannot be forgotten. Hundreds thousands of people do not accept the simulacrum …

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Spy and sack. About a model of industrial relations in Sweden and Italy

→ Italian Even though there is no shortage of past and recent cases, to sack a trade union delegate employed in the firm for 29 years is still not a widespread practice in Italy. Also, if the firm is a multinational Swedish company, which arrived in Italy with a clamour of trumpets for its participatory industrial relations and the new …

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The last Europe. The insubordination of movements and the institutions

→ Italiano On the eve of the 60th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome, and a few days after the second anniversary of the inauguration of the new European Central Bank in Frankfurt – which coincides with the first anniversary of the Agreement between the EU and Turkey on migrants and refugees – it is worth to rethink Europe as …

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The brilliant strike. Women’s March 8 and the global uprising against neoliberalism

→ Italiano The strike of March the 8th has been the first global uprising against neoliberalism. In order to fully understand its meaning it must be seen from the right distance: who looks at it only from its city or from its part of the march doesn’t see what it’s really happened. Its measure, that is actually its political mismeasure, …

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Migrants’ Strike: An Audacious Moment. An interview with Valery Alzaga, from the 2006 US May Day to present challenges

As part of the discussion opened by the call for a «day without us» on the 20th of February in the UK, and after the publication of an analysis of the strike of migrant labour of the 1st of March 2010 in Italy, we interviewed Valery Alzaga, trade unionist and organizer for migrants’ rights with experience in the US and …

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Strike in the Usa. Women and the globalization of the strike

→ Italian All over the world the strike is becoming a feminist political practice. On January the 20th women will cross their arms in the United States on the inauguration day of Donald Trump’s presidency, one day before taking to the streets of Washington with a #womensmarch that is announced as one of the biggest mobilization of the last decades. …

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A Global Flood on Strike. Women and Feminism towards March 8th

→ Italiano On March 8th a women’s strike will take place and will be a truly global event. The proposal took inspiration from the Polish women, was launched by the Argentinian ones and endorsed by the hundreds of thousands of women that all over the world took to the street on the day against male violence over women. After the …

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