venerdì , 28 Marzo 2025

global di∫connections

Freedom not Frontex. Refugees and Migrants in their Struggle for global Freedom of Movement

by HAGEN KOPP – Kein mensch ist illegal, Hanau* This text is an improvement of an article published in May 2013 in Forum Wissenschat. The reconstruction of some events that took place in the last month and of the campaings aiming to oppose the conditions that produced them, allow point out the immediate political character of migrations. The dreadful number …

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The 31st October UK Universities Strike: within and beyond the question of pay

by GABRIELLA ALBERTI On the 31st October, for the first time in 16 years, academics, administrative staff, cleaners and librarians of British Universities united and joined picket lines at 149 campuses in protest against pay cuts. The three unions who led the strike are the University College Union (UCU) representing academic staff, UNISON, for all clerical staff including administrative personnel …

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Just austerity? Europe without principles and the politicization of poverty

In recent years the word poverty has re-entered European political jargon. The main doorway for this has been statistical data. This however does nothing more than reduce the quota of population that earns under a certain level of wage to a merely technical question. The construction of new indicators and new ways of studying and classifying impoverished subjects has changed …

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The shipwrek of hypocrisy: migrants beyond Lampedusa

by COORDINAMENTO MIGRANTI After the carnage which painted black the Mediterranean sea, we spoke about a political carnage. We want to repeat it, after the vulgar spectacle of a moralism which is not only impotent against racism, but also needs racism to exist. Many, both from the institutional left and from the movements, spoke about hypocrisy.  The hypocrisy of those who …

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Migrants: another political carnage

The following one is the English translation of the statement published by the Coordinamento Migranti after the death of hundreds migrants in the Sicily channel on October 3rd, 2013.  Hundreds migrants dead today add thousands migrants dead in the last twenty years. Besides numbers, these carnages are “normal” since the Europe of Schengen, celebrating the internal freedom of movement, homogenized …

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A Precarity Office in Vienna: notes from the start of an experiment

by MANUELA ZECHNER – Precarity Office Vienna With the Precarity Office we open a monthly space for giving mutual advice about labour- and migration related issues and for discussing and developing self-organisation practices. As migrants and/or precarious workers we perceive the need for a space to get and give informal advice, meet and discuss, hear about our respective struggles and develop them further. We call …

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An Appeal from Jail, from the imprisoned workers of the Maruti Suzuki, India

We publish the appeal of a group of workers at the Maruti-Suzuki detained because of the struggles they organized one year ago (#1 #2), and the documentary movie «Count on us», which speak about their dreams, expectations and experiences through the story of Jitender and Rajesh, former workers of the Maruti-Suzuki. The appeal speaks for the workers still detained within …

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Poland: Special Exploitation Zones

We publish below an interview to two activists of the Polish union Inicjatywa Pracownicza (Workers’Initiative), that we realized on the occasion of the presentation of the documentary movie «Special Exploitation Zones» organized in Bologna, and another documentary concerning the living and working conditions of women in Wałbrzych. Poland is the only UE member State which established Special Economic Zones (SEZ), high-exploitation areas …

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Greece: political chronicle of a strike that wasn’t

by CHRISTOS GIOVANOPOULOS – Dikaioma, network of precarious and unemployed workers, Athens *** Striking in the Troika era? That is apparently the wager of Olme, the union of workers of secondary schools in Greece which, going against government legislation that adds two hours more work a week for every teacher, announced a strike to be realized during the week of final …

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De nuevo el laberinto español

de DAVID GARCÍA ARISTEGUI – Solidaridad Obrera España ha tenido, por lo tanto, una revolución política en lugar de una revolución social que le hubiera convenido mucho más Gerald Brennan hablando de los antecedentes de la Guerra Civil española, en su libro El laberinto español (1943).   Introducción: después de la huelga general En el anterior texto para ∫connessioni precarie …

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