global di∫connections

SACOM, Hong Kong: supporting «Let’s Tackle Apple Action» of May of Solidarity in Europe

16 May 2014, Hong Kong → Italian Today, workers and activists call for the «Let’s Tackle Apple Action» in different European cities, in front of the stores of the world’s most valuable brand Apple, to protest against Apple and its chief supplier Foxconn in labour exploitation. This concrete, transnational solidarity action is part of the May of Solidarity mobilization promoted …

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Cardini entrevista la universidad al fin del mundo. Diez años de contra-hegemonía en Argentina

Entrevista à Diego Tatian y Sebastian Torres, Faculdad de Filosofía y Humanidades, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina → Italiano Potreste riassumere brevemente la storia dell’università di Cordoba nell’ultimo decennio (a partire, diciamo, dal default del 2001)? Durante los años ‘90 la Universidad pública argentina fue presa de un cambio cultural impulsado en el contexto de un desmantelamiento general de lo …

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Practicing dissent, solidarity beyond borders: stop the re-opening of the detention center in Bologna!

The Italian Ministry of interior affairs allocated funds to restore and reopen the detention center for migrants in Bologna (CIE), a black page in the history of the city. We cannot accept this project and will express with all our forces the refuse opposed by the city to this factory of injustice and sorrow where migrants are detained just because …

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Movements of Europe. Problems and opportunities of the new government of labor

After the case which involved Silvia Guerra – the Italian citizen and artist living in Brussels, who was expelled as a «burthen» for the Belgian welfare system – we begun to think how Europe is reconfiguring its borders and how mobility works in this frame. The affaire Guerra, in fact, is not a single episode, but is rather one of …

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Multitude, Mobility, Mutualism. Questions and answers of the Never class

Exhorted by comrades with whom we have shared actions in the last years with precarious and migrants, we contribute here to the debate launched by on the usefulness, topicality and need to refer to the class. Obviously, the aim of this reflection is especially to inquire on and investigate the lexicon with which the movement has related to a …

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Solidarity beyond borders – Building democracy from below

  The programs of austerity and privatizations imposed by the Troika decide on the lives of millions of people in Europe. Together with people in Europe and the whole world we resist the rehabilitation of capitalism on the backs of employees as well as unemployed, retirees, migrants and the youth. Together with them we say: “We don’t owe, we won’t pay!” While …

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Migrants’ demo in Bologna, 1st of March 2014

Next March 1st we will return to the streets. We do this after the political tragedy of  October 3rd 2013, when the death of hundreds of men, women and children in the sea of ​​Lampedusa highlighted the ruthlessness of the European border regime. We do this after the so-called “refugee emergency” which showed that every ‘emergency’ regime  is used to …

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Lampedusa on a charter. An interview with Hagen Kopp

This in an Interview to Hagen Kopp, from No one is illegal in Hanau/Germany, mainly involved in the network activities from Welcome to Europe. Hagen took part to the meeting for the promulgation of the Charter of Lampedusa, which was held in the Mediterranean Island from January the 31st to February the 2nd 2014. We already questioned the political effectiveness of …

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Democracy on the move and the struggles in Europe. A contribution for Blockupy and beyond

The following is a contribution to the political debate on the European  movement that starts with Blockupy, but is not just about Blockupy.  More or less organized projects (like Blockupy, but also the Hubmeeting) are trying to construct a comprehensive response to processes that extend over the European level, and beyond. The background of these projectualities is inevitably given by …

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Infiltrators in the world government of migrations: the refugees’ strike in Israel

The mobilization of migrants in Israel is growing. After three days of general strike launched by the movement, a demonstration is now in front of Knesset, the Israeli Parliament, to ask the Prime Ministry Netanyau and the Interior Ministry Gideon Saar for concrete answers. Mobilization was started by asylum seekers and grew up in the last weeks after the enactment …

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