global di∫connections

The government of mobility 1. Conditioned freedom and mobility «on probation»

by LAVORO INSUBORDINATO → IT British Prime Minister David Cameron has recently stated that «freedom of movement it is not an unqualified right». Otherwise stated, the freedom of movement can be limited. Hence, with these words Cameron clearly expresses the spirit of our times. Indeed, in several European countries it is taking place not only an erosion of social rights …

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Brussels and the New European Logistics

by GIORGIO GRAPPI → IT On November the 6th, the city of Brussels has been the theater of one of the largest demonstration since decades. As the media observed, among the 150,000 protesters many wore the orange uniform of the dockworkers of Antwerp, one of the main ports of the EU. Several hundreds of them clashed for hours with the …

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The Autumn of Our Discontent: Calcutta’s great clamour on September 20, 2014

by SAYANDEB CHOWDHURY →IT Last summer I found myself at the annual Critical Theory Summer School at Birkbeck College, University of London. The primary attention and energy of the lectures and discussions at the summer school was to find a lexicon for the many modes of resistances that have been sweeping across the world in the last few years. Etienne Balibar, …

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Call from the Strike Meeting to the European Movements and Networks

On November 14th Let’s Strike Back Against the Precarization of Labour and Life! On November 14th, we, precarious workers, migrants, industry and public sector workers, students, autonomous workers, men and women, will strike against the condition of subordination which the labour regimes and the European policies want to impose on us. November 14th will be for us a social strike, a strike …

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Hong Kong’s Students Protests: We make history

by RUTVICA ANDRIJASEVIC – from Hong Kong → IT She has just finishing her chalk drawing of an umbrella on the pavement in Admiralty, the main site of Occupy Hong Kong. Her classmates, Hong Kong University (HKU) undergraduates will join her later when they finish their classes held in the nearby Admiralty building. She has been part of the protests …

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Towards a Europe from below!

Only two days to go: Open assembly of networks and social movements in Brussels 26/27 September We, as Blockupy international coordinating group, called for an open transnational meet-up in Brussels. This is a broader meet-up after our last meeting in Berlin in June of this year, in which we discussed the outcomes of the May of Solidarity and the Blockupy …

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Precarious political communication and transnational strike

→ IT Space The urgent task of European social movements is that of defining their political initiative moving from the acknowledgement that the space of Europe is neither defined nor closed, but is rather the first global space that they must face. It is not for chance that it is always difficult to ascertain what it is meant by «Europe». …

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Create and organize counterhegemony in Europe

→ IT The 11th of July See you on July 11. For what? Supposedly, the meeting is not an attempt to compensate other demonstrations that have been not properly successful. So, see you on July 11 to «demonstrate» that the social opposition to the regime of wage will not accept another intensification of precarization, expropriation and austerity. A correct description …

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For a transnational movement across Europe!

→IT May of Solidarity sent a message across Europe: Let’s fight together and build a transnational movement of resistance in and through Europe and Beyond! Let’s cross borders in solidarity and build democracy from below! Solidarity beyond Borders – Building Democracy from Below was the motto for a «May of Solidarity» and Action Days just before the European elections. Launched by the …

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Subverting the global chains of exploitation!

→ Italian Yesterday in front of the Apple Store in Bologna more than 200 persons participated to the initiative «Let’s Tackle Apple!», organized for the transnational week of action and realized also in Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Poznan, Varsavia, Milan and Rome. In Bologna Steve Jobs who, after his death, was condemned to work in the Foxconn Hell’s Factory, spoke about the …

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