martedì , 25 Marzo 2025

global di∫connections

RESET (Network for Social, Ecologist, and Transfeminist Strike) Against the War

→ Italiano We share the callout for an initiative launched in Italy by the newborn network RESET against the war. The network, developed in Rome, is promoting a space for discussion, exchange, and collective organization that recognizes the centrality of war and the changing conditions we face. As part of this process, a three-day event is being held in Rome …

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Beyond October 7th, Out of The Deadlock

Leggi in italiano Almost one year after October 7th, the need to build an anti-war movement is becoming more and more urgent. The discussions, confrontations, and even clashes within social movements about what is at stake are all the more urgent at a time when Minister Piantedosi is prohibiting the national demonstration planned for October 5th because, in his words, the …

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A Contribution to the Critique of Resistance

→ Leggi l’editoriale in italiano In more or less recent times, the call for “resistance” has echoed throughout different mobilizations in Italy. It resonated in June 1960, during the revolt against the national convention of the neofascist Italian Social Movement (MSI) party, which started in Genoa and spread throughout the peninsula. Behind the slogan “Now and forever resistance”, which led …

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Europe at War: Fighting Militarism in the Third World War

→ Originally published in Italian ‘Bringing the war home’ was the slogan of the peace movement at the time of the Vietnam War. Today, it is the watchword—albeit with a very different meaning—of European rulers. To them, war should make it possible to govern the disorderly European home in an altogether disorderly world—a world of empires without imperialisms, and transitions …

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Organizing the uprising amidst the impossible stability: towards the TSS meeting in Bologna

Recession winds blow almost everywhere. The war relentlessly claims its price in blood and devastation. There are no longer safe spaces to smoothly accumulate capital or to peacefully lead one’s life. The highest price of this situation is paid by poor people, women and men, workers and migrants, and by all those who want to assert their freedom from dominion …

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The floods in Pakistan and the gendered effects of climate change. A conversation with Mariam Magsi

by MASHA HASSAN Pakistan is hit with a devastating climate catastrophe displacing around 33 million people where Balochistan and Southern Sindh provinces remain the most affected. Here we publish a conversation with Mariam Magsi* a multidisciplinary artist who is born and raised in Karachi, Pakistan, and now resides in Canada. Magsi’s family has been on the ground since the start …

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The metastasis of World War III

→ Italian Despite no longer appearing in headlines or smartphone feeds, the war in Ukraine continues and continues to produce its effects. Those who spoke of a great clash for Western values, for the preservation of Europe, and for the ultimate defense of freedom, seem almost to have lost interest in the Russian invasion, the Ukrainian resistance, the daily deaths …

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After imperialisms. Problems and Possibilities of a Transnational Politics of Peace

→ First published in Italian on June 8. The time is out of joint— O cursed spite, That ever I was born to set it right! Nay, come, let’s go together. Shakespeare, Hamlet   The war has sparked stupor for what appears still possible today. On the one hand, we should not be surprised: if we look at events with non-European …

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A silent but relentless tide. Our feminism to the test of November 27th

Italian Five years ago, the first transnational feminist strike took place. The strike triggered a process of politicization that irreversibly changed the expectations of millions of women and LGBTQ+ people, who gathered around the struggle against male violence as a common project of social subversion. On the occasion of the transnational mobilization against male violence against women on November 27th, …

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Terror and resistance in the Afghan autumn: an interview with Liza Schuster and Reza Hussaini

by VALENTINA MARCONI and STEFANO VISENTIN → Italian Few days ago, the dead bodies of four young women were found in the outskirts of Mazar-e-Sharif, in northern Afghanistan. Frozan Safi, a 29-year-old activist and economics lecturer, who took part to the recent protests against Taliban rule, is among them, while the other three women have not been identified yet. The …

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